Just starting


You have to love serendipity. I have been feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed lately. New month = new chance, so I have been trying to pull myself up a little. I started "The Artist's Way", and had decided to get back involved with my 43 Things list. On the very same day, Ali Edwards posted about life lists. So there you are. The below is a blog entry generated from an entry at 43 Things, and the picture is a journal page, not a morning page.

I was introduced to The Artist’s Way last year, and serendipity made it hard to ignore. I have dabbled in morning pages, but finally I have the book and the workbook too. I have started Week 1 so far…

See more progress on: Complete "The Artist's Way"

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Sunday Scribblings - Writing


Writing is the open line to my authentic self. Talking is open to misinterpretation. Talking leads me into statements that I cannot support. Talking loses my point and my focus. Writing keeps me true.
I am neither a good writer nor a bad writer. I am a writer. It is how I reflect on my experiences and how I remember how things were at the time. It is how I work through my feelings and discover how I am feeling. It is how I make an argument most convincingly, and it is also how I mend fences after an argument.
Through writing I learn and through writing I teach.
Through writing, I live.

Created for Sunday Scribblings - to read other responses, follow the link in the sidebar to the right.

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