What a great week for art. I was in the art shop in Kingston on Saturday and finally found beeswax polish to stop my art journal pages sticking together. I also bought acrylic inks - I resisted the box of six!!! - in indigo and purple. What a lot of fun they are - messy, intense, versatile (that is more or less how K describes me really!).
When I got home on Monday my delivery from Teesha Moore had arrived. I find her art journals so inspiring that after I look at them I have to step away from my own for awhile, to let my own style seep back. I ordered some collage sheets and 3 stamps and she put in some extras, so that was a wonderful surprise. It was tricky to choose, as I wanted to use her eye for design, without creating pseudo-teesha work, so tried to choose very versatile images.