I have always been more of a pockets or back pack girl, but seem to have developed a bit of a bag habit. Not necessarily handbags, those too, but also bags that look like they want to go on adventures. Now that I can no longer deny that I might well be a grown up, I am trying to accessorise occasionally. Luckily this challenge came in a handbag week, not a backpack week. Plus in the interests of total honesty, I am including my handbag that I was using last week, which still has a bunch of crap I need in it, so I keep delving into it.Handbag #1
Loaded this up to go on a training day on Monday - so you wouldn't think there would be too much random yet, eh?
- CD-Rom about Egyptians (on approval for school)
- recorded delivery slip for a circle journal
- wallet (contains cards, £10 and some change, dry cleaning ticket for frocks for a ball on Friday, and my little sister's molar)
- an A5 sheet of paper with numbers stamped all over it by a little girl in my class
- Clarins handcream
- asthma inhaler
- a random fiver
- digital camera (Nikon Coolpix 4200)
- keys (house, car, work, suitcases, heavy silver heart keychain)
- a fuschia felt pen, with pen at one end and smiley happy stamp at other (for stamping hands of children that finished all their lunch)
- name badge from work
- nail file
- Smints
- cheap lipstick for putting noses on children dressed as Clever Cats last Friday
- black eyeliner
- 3 black pens, 2 x 0.5 and a 0.7
- a loose penny
- an orange triangle of card
- strip from edge of stamps and backing from airmail sticker (I don't like to leave rubbish on the post office counter and mailed a card to my sister -another one- today
- an old travel card that I could claim £2.20 from work for
- business card from the web-editing company that trained me yesterday
Nonsense things to have in your bag! And have I now selected the essentials and binned/replaced the rest? Or have I just put them all back in? You decide...
Handbag #2
I've been raiding this all weekend, so not much left, but what is in there, is GOLD.
- Creative Zen Micro MP3 player
- Caffe Nero loyalty card
- 2 pence coin
- Scraporium receipt for Love Your Handwriting
- bright green plastic Robots watch that came out of a cereal box on holiday
So this whole, accessorising, being a grown-up thing. I haven't quite got it yet I think.