I feel very drawn towards completion at the moment. I enjoy having different projects on the go, so that I can work on whatever I have time for or am in the mood for. At the moment however I am drawn to finishing. The first thing I am finishing is my Deanne Fitzpatrick hooked rug kit. It's a lot father on than in this photo.
The next thing has got to be my ATCs for Bee Shay's Artfest ATC book, and then finishing my fatbook pages. But in and around that there are many other things like flickr uploads and negative scans.
10-things: I had a big clear out in the art room, I reached the point where I absolutely had to have a clear working space. So I tidied and threw out and put away and rationalised and now at least I have a workspace. I didn't want to count all of the little bits and pieces I threw out, so I had a break from the 10 things. There is a lot to come though so do not worry! That room has shelves down both sides of it and not a single bit of space anywhere.