Looking forward


Tori led me to the idea of having a word for the year and I explored Christine's list for ideas. Nothing really struck me and I ended up feeling annoyed that I couldn't remember the concepts that had followed me throughout last year, even though I remember that there were three clear messages that I kept encountering. (I am sure they will come back to me when I am not looking!) Today my husband and I started our planned spiritual practice for Sundays this year. It was during that time that it came to me. My word for this year is truth. In all the areas that I am focusing on, truth is core, which leads me to my grateful intentions for this year:

  • to make spiritual practice part of my life
  • to live richly and mindfully
  • to declutter and simplify my living space
  • to tailor my job to suit me and explore career options for the future
  • to nurture our family bonds
  • to treat my body more respectfully
  • to spend my time on what matters to me
  • & finally and perhaps most importantly, to make lots of art that comes from my own heart with my own voice

Truth runs through all of those. They may not be specific, measurable, achievable goals in the GTD et al sense, but I will deal with those kind of goals elsewhere. These are more a definition of how I want to live, not what I want to do.