I finally packaged up my OWOH winners felt bowls today. I don't know why I have been so flakey lately, but I guess we all have weeks like that. Another place I've been flaking out is my Etsy shop. I have an uneasy relationship with selling, you know, the little voice that asks why anyone would even want to buy my stuff, who do I think I am, etc. I am getting more comfortable with it, the more work I get published. I've added a photo album of published layouts in the side bar, and I plan to add some notes and supply lists, etc. soon. So today I bit the bullet and started adding to my Etsy shop again. The thing is, it was a really big deal a few months ago for me even to open a shop, and I think I opened it and ran off and hid! So today I added this vessel and limited edition archival prints of this mixed media collage:
You can take a look here: